I don't know what it is about the Harvest Moon series that is so addicting...it's funny really...because if someone asks what is so great about it, there's not much you can tell them that would really draw them into it all. "you water plants, brush cows, collect wild plants, and talk to villagers...yep and you do all those things every day."
the first time I played a harvest moon game was years and years ago, it was when you could buy harvest moon gameboy color in stores still. I was addicted immediately, I played for hours, even though I didn't really know what I was doing.
now I am playing harvest moon sunshine islands for the ds and really loving it. I don't think it's quite as good as harvest moon 64 yet, but it's certainly one of the better ones that I've experienced in the series thus far.
I think anyone who gives this game a try would really be suprised at just how good it is. there must be a reason that it's survived all they way up through the snes days, right? it's because people really do have a fun time with it.