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My Lair Encounter....

Ok so about a week ago I get into a debate with a excelR83. He points out that I have rated Lair a 1.0 and inquirred into if I had played it. I had not played the game . So rightfully so, he let me have it which is very understandable and was to be expected. Well a few days ago, prior to me and a buddy of mine heading out to the bar, I stopped past my buddies house to give him a ride to the bar (his car is in the shop). I walk in the crib and looky looky. Lair is sitting on his end table, a game he rented. This is my boy thats the die hard PS3 fan. I ask him if I can try it out and he states "make SURE you do the tutorial." Fine.

I do the portion where you learn the movement of the Dragon. Flying through the several rings that are at different heights. Aside from this game reminding me of "Panzer Dragoon", the controls ******* suck! Had they ATLEAST given you the option to use the control sticks for movement Im pretty sure this game would have scored alot higher. To make matters worse, the damn controller locked up for like 3-4 seconds putting the dragon in a constant turn. The game is very nice looking however the frustrating use of the motion control makes me retch. So I no longer rate the game a 1.0. I rate it much higher. 1.5

:shock: :shock: