Remember the MP3 hype thread in SW? Well Dire_Toad was the first to linkify the GS review. His post is at the very bottom of this link.
What ensues is literally MADNESS!! The mods have been working overtime tonite. I have personally witnessed 8 account suicides in SW and 7 in the Wii forum. I know I give cows a hard time but sheep have lost all respect/credibility with me. I have never understood why fanboys for any console would stoop so low as to not buy a game based on a review?? Furthermore to log onto a website who's review you did not agree with and start the damage control dance and flaming the GS staff is pathetic.
Your not a leader, your a follower. I will always bash the PS3, but from now on, Im on a personal crusade against the Wii and yes I am going to get one. I cant bash the fanboys, but I can get to them through their console.... Furthermore, my responses to the fanboys start here.
At the time of this writing the thread is at 140 pages before a lock. Anybody knows that Dualshockin and I DO NOT GET ALONG. However his sig is definately appropriate despite the behavior sheep exhibited... ****NOTE TO ALL, THIS IS DUALSHOCKINS SIG, IM PUTTING IT IN MY BLOG AS I THINK ITS MOST APPROPRIATE AT THIS TIME*****