Magill88 / Member

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Magill88 Blog

About time too!

Look at that! A week of heavy forum posting and i've made it to level 3. Now I can finally do those reviews I've been waiting to do... Cant really be bothered now actually.

Just joined and already pissed off!

OK, I've been coming to this website for a while now because it is quite frankly the best website there is for gaming, but i never felt the need to join until today. The main reason for wanting to join at this specific moment in time is that I'm having a helluva great time playing the Point Lookout expansion pack for Fallout 3. So here's me wanting to tell the world exactly how fantastic i think this game is and automatically my mind goes straight to Gamespot. So I toddle over to my computer and sign up to Gamespot, find the Point Lookout game page only to fund that some tosser decided it would be a good idea to make members wait until they're level-3 until they can review! What the bleeding, **** **** is that about!? I had a quick look around and nowhere does it tell you obviously what hoops one must jump through in order to level up. And while we're at it: why do you even have to jump through hoops in the first place? surely it is in the interests of Gamespot to have as many reviews as possible so as to give a broad spectrum of opinions on each game. Or perhaps the line of thinking is that those who manage to reach the heady heights of level 3 will be more likely to produce quality reviews? Either way: I'm pissed off.