I'm going nuts, its been more then a month since i could get on Socom 2 online with Gamble, No Dice, Option, or Plant Earth.
This is what happened, in March, after I got back from Toronto, I was playing two games I bought, Midnight Club 3 in Toronto and ESPN NFL 2K5 in New Brunswick. Anyways back to the story, I was playing them and I could hear a very load clicking sound, when it started to piss me off I took the game out and i saw large scratches on the bottem, i checked the other and it was burnning the picture on the front. I got my sisters boyfriend to fix the games and I sent the PS2 to Ontario, two long weeks later in which I played Def Jam Vendetta with my friend, the piece of crap gets back and I hook it up and guess what...it still don't work, it don't scratch the games but it wont play them either :( . The things on warrenty on, but they wont take it at Wal-Mart and gie me a new one cuz its one of the big PS2's and all that crap, I just hope the thing is gone, back, and WORKING, by July 17th (my B-Day :D), so I can play Black Hawk Down when it comes out, and 25 to Life (don't care what you say Neckcutta t('-'t) I'm going to get it), SOCOM 3, Battlefield MC, 50 Cent Bulletproof ( t('-'t) haters), and last Full Spectrum Warrior 2 Ten Hammers. t('-'t) ALL!!!!!