Having recently graduated college, I find myself in a position to finally achieve things, this is somewhat difficult however, because God has chosen to dump every possible distraction on me now, as opposed to earlier, when I was bored and had no ambition. I am currently in the process of starting my own business, which is an arduous task. I also work 8:30 - 5:00 and spend every other weekend in PA. Needless to say I'm quite busy, which is good, I feel productive, the problem you see, is that no less than 12 months ago I was bored out of my skull, enjoying a final semester at college taking only 10 credits worth of classes. I was in desperate need of good video games to play, and despite KOTOR, that was it.
Now that I am busy, the major four games I've been waiting on for months (Doom 3, Fable, Half Life 2 and Sniper Elite) are all on the way, along with a few other key games like Paper Mario 2, LOTR The Third Age, Metroid Prime 2, GTA SA, and Pikmin 2. Many of these games are already released, and most will be coming out by the end of the month. Any of these would have been very welcome in March, but now, I'm fighting myself to keep from playing more than 1 at a time, still trying to spend several hours a day working on my business and desperate to somehow survive long enough to retire. On top of all this, my recent rediscovery of Harry Potter and Babylon 5 brings me to a three pronged attack of semi idleness and a near complete lack of productivity.
God delayed these games for a reason. The reason was quite simply to bring me trials and tribulations.