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Maharahi Blog

Boring stuff 'bout Maharahi *grins widely*

Beth sent me this and I thought it was interesting:

| f i r s t s |

First best friend: Jessica First real kiss: not tellin'
First break-up: what breakup?
First screen name: Ryoko906
Purchased album: um....
First funeral: Aunt Gin
First pets: Cats, two dotgs, some birds...
First piercing/tattoo: ears
First credit card: none
First true love: yeah right...
First enemy: hm, that's a tough one...
First big trip: Beach
First music you remember hearing in your house: Rock

| l a s t s |
Last cigarette: never, I don't smoke
Last car ride: this evening, to Food Lion
Last kiss: uh......
Last good cry: last week
Last library book checked out: Dead to the World, by Charlaine Harris
Last movie seen: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Last beverage drank: Coke
Last food consumed: Pizza
Last crush: Orlando Bloom
Last phone call: Jessica
Last time showered:This morning
Last shoes worn: flipflops
Last item bought: CD
Last annoyance: Kaile
last time wanting to die: many years ago

| r e l a t i o n s h i p s |
01. who are your best friends? April, Jessica, Teela, Beth, Dusty
02. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? No

| f a s h i o n | s t u f f |
01. Where is your favorite place to shop? Wal-Mart
02. Any tattoos or piercings? Ears

| s p e c i f i c s |
01. Do you do drugs? No, and I don't intend to
02. What kind of shampoo do you use? Garnier Fructis
03. What are you most scared of? Spiders
04. What are you listening to right now? DVD, Bubble Gum Crisis, Tokyo 2040
05. Where do you want to get married? I doubt I want to get married much less where
06. How many buddies are online right now? 1
07. What would you change about yourself? I wish I was just a little bit taller

| f a v o u r i t e s |
01. Color: black
02. Food: Red Beans and Rice, but just about anything that isn't nailed to the floor....I can put away some food
03. Boy's name: Drew
05. Subjects in school: Art, English
06. Animals: Dogs, cats
07. Sports: Nascar racing
08. Perfume: hm....
09. Cologne: (see above)

| h a v e | y o u | e v e r |
01. Given anyone a bath? no
02. Smoked? NO NO NO
03. Bungee jumped? nope
04. Made yourself throw up? no
05. Skinny dipped?no
06. Been in love? yes
07. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? only when I was little
08. Pictured your crush naked? yes
09. Actually seen your crush naked?no
10. Cried when someone died?yes
12. Fallen for your best friend? no
13. Been rejected? yes
14. Rejected someone? no, not that I can think of...
15. Used someone? nope, but been used by others
16. Done something you regret? hell yeah, doesn't everyone?

| C u r r e n t |
Clothes: jeans and a tank top
Music: Waiting for YOU Bubble Gum Crisis Tokyo 2040 ending song
Make-up: None
Annoyance: Kalie
Smell: vanilla air freshener in hall
Desktop picture: Super Smash Bros. Melee screencap
Cd in player: mixed
Dvd in player: Troy

| L a s t | p e r s o n |
You touched: um....
Hugged: Mom
You imed: Beth
You kissed: well.....

| A r e | y o u |
Understanding: yes for the most part
Open-minded: VERY
Arrogant: No
Insecure: Sometimes
Interesting: VERY lol
Hungry: always, lol
Smart: I have my blond moments too, lol
Hardworking: yes
Healthy: I try
Shy: Yes
Attractive: I don't think so
Bored easily:YES
Obsessed: yes
Angry: not at the moment
Sad: (see above)
Disappointed: not really
Happy: at the moment?
Hyper: no
Trusting: somewhat
Talkative: at home, yes definitely
Legal: yes

| W h o | D o | Y o u | W a n n a |
Kill: Whoever got my dad in trouble for something he didn't do
Slap: hard to decide between my grandmother and our landlord, they're both asking for it
Get high with: no one
Look like: I'd rather stay myself. I'm original for a reason.

| w h i c h | i s | b e t t e r |
Coke or pepsi: Depends
Flowers or candy: candy
Tall or short: depends

| R a n d o m |
In the morning I am: shooting daggers at the morning people
All I need is: Sleep
Love is: Great if you can find someone that's loyal
I dream about: Orlando Bloom
What do you notice first: personality
Last person you danced with: hm........
First question to ask: What's up?
Who makes you laugh the most: My family
Who gives you a funny feeling when you see them: ...........
Who do you have a crush on: (see above)
Who has a crush on you: I don't want to know....

| d o | y o u | e v e r |
Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to IM you: no, I have better things to do
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: not really
Wish you were younger: nope, being young at heart is good enough

| n u m b e r |
Of times I have had my heart broken: I've lost track it's been so many
Of hearts I have broken: not many I hope if any
Of guys I've kissed: not tellin...
Of girls I've kissed: (see above)
Of continents I have lived in:1
Cds I own: gimme a sec..........I think 44......lemme get back to you on that, lol
Of scars on body: 6, I think

*Yawns**Stretches**Looks at clock* 3:37 a.m.?! *Blink* Crap...

Oh man have I got a headache the size of Hurricane Katrina. I gotta quit staying up so late. My cat is glaring at me right now. I'm so tired.....but I'm also so happy. See, I finally got the next lesson done for the Art Instruction Schools course I'm enrolled in. My lessons are mailed to me, with the supplies for future lessons ahead of time. Cool. Which means I can get away with doing my homework sitting in my pajamas watching Troy. I don't think my mom's side of the family seems convinced that Art Instruction Schools is legit, though. I mean come on, Charles Schulz went there! And another thing that's annoying me about my lessons is that they say that I'm going too fast. *blink* So-rry. When I had Art for four years in high school, we had to work fast if we wanted to get the projects done. Anyway, it's a 27 lesson course and I've finished like 15 or 16 of the lessons. In 9 months. And this course is supposed to stretch for 2 years AT LEAST. Heh heh, my bad. But I am getting A's and B's on the returned lessons, so that's something. But these last two lessons were animals. I don't care much for drawing animals, cars, landscapes, or architecture. I prefer people. Celebriteis, normal people, anime, cartoons, I like to draw people. But anyway, the first animal lesson I sent in was of a cat. I prefered drawing that cat over painting this pheasant that I need to send in the next few days.

Okay, well I'm tired and I'm off to bed. Hopefully I won't sleep till noon.