My life has been insane.....lets see my I run over a large sharp screw and my car has to have all its tires replaced because they were going bad anyways. My wife is sick and throwing up...then my daughter gets it...then my daughter has a bad rash infect goes to the hospital and then my wife gets sick again throwing up. I had four mid terms last week and started a new job where I translate Japanese for a department of my college. Oh and though I shouldn't be drinking energy drinks I found out that red bull is the only one that doens't give me heart palpitations....meaning I'm low tolerant towards caffine. But at least the red bull works. Also One of my tests was in Ancient Japanese............not an easy language or test.
Games: Lets see I bought rumble roses for the 360 for 7 bucks the other day.....and it was very much worth it....the graphics are nice and the gameplay is alright...the grappling system is amazing like the previous game....but the character customize! I'm back! Also picked up the poorly rated Might and magic game which I actually enjoy! Its very linear but besides that it isn't too bad. Graphics are better than oblivion...well where characters are involved. Also I just saw the Japanese trailer for Ar tonelico 3 .................means I have to beat the other 2 because this looks ff13 epic to me...............maybe thats just me.
Me and by brothers play our own version of final fantasy tacitcs like the parent's basement dwellers we are with figurines....because we swing that way....anyhow we decide we wanted a few new we bought a DnD random pack, inticed by the awesome frost titan on the back....or the possibility of the giant Djinn with the flame sword.........and we got a crappy plastic tornado least the other figures were cool.
I guess I will take time later to make this blog in Japanese also.