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Toast is Blog'd I: My return... sorta

NOTE: ok i know i said i quit a while back, but lately i was looking for a blog thing to record all my weekly ranting, so wth... GS has a blog thing so i'll just abuse it.
So all that commotion about Silent Hill: The Movie really made me feel "Silent Hilly" so i popped my copies of SH (psone), and SH2 (pstwo) and started playin'. I haven't 're-played' SH3 yet, because i'm currently 're-re-playing' SH2. I used to have SH4, but i hated it so i just sold it for some cash... oh well.

My fave SH game is the second one. Although the weird way the main character runs, I like it the most because of the amazing storyline and metaphors. At first, the game could be rather confusing; after the first time i played, i was all 'wtf just happened?' but if you analyse every characters, you'll figure out the whole story (Some characters are harder to get... hum... Maria). Pyramid Head OWNS!

There are also cool locations such as the trademark hospital, a prison, and a hotel. The creatures are not what makes the game creepy. What makes this game frightning is the environment: from the darkness/ fog that Silent Hill is engulfed in to the f'd up soundtrack, players would really want to get the hell out as soon as possible.

I haven't watched the movie yet, and i don't think i will; a family menber watched it and told me that it was rather mediocre.