1. Short Introduction: Hello fellow FF-fans :-)
2. GS Name: Majin_melzas
3. Real Name: Joachim
4. Position In FFE: The lowest, I think :-P
5. Gender: male
6. Date of Birth: 16 Feb 1987
7. Place of Birth: Denmark
8. Height: 185cm
9. Weight (jk): ehm... about 80kg I think :-P
10. Ethnicity: North European... don't know what to call it :-S
11. Current Location of Residence: Home in little Denmark :-)
12. Religion: Atheist
13. Job: Unemployed for the time being :-(
14. Personality: Polite :-)
15, Habits/Mannerisms; Cruel humor
16. Girl/Boy Friends: Girl (Married) ... and what a girl ;-)
17. Pets: None
18. What Do You Look for in a Person: Kindness, honesty, humor
19. What Do You Look Away From in a Person: Self-obsessed, dishonesty, cruelty
20. Consoles Owned: PC, PSP, NDS, GBA, PS1, PS2 ... and my very beloved PS3 :-)
21. How Long Have You Played Games: About 17 years
22. Which Final Fantasy Have You Played: FFI, FFII, FFIV, FFV, FFVI, FFVII + Crisis Core and Dirge of Cerberus, FFVIII, FFIX, FFX, FFXI, FFXII and FF tactics.
23. If you could be any FF character, which character would you be: Cecil
1. Game(s) in General: Mostly RPG and strategi, but also shooters and adventure. Like Elder Scrolls and Starcraft to name a few
2. FF Game: FFVII
3. Console(s): PS3
4. Movie(s): Terminator Salvation
5. TV Show(s): Simpsons
6. Food: My mother's food xD
7. Colour: Dark Blue
8. Music: Metal (Metallica, Slipknot and so on...)
9. Place of Travel: Italia
1. Other interests and hobbies: Like to draw and challenge my oldest brother in videogames :)
2. Contact Information: ****fied (ask and you may, perhaps, get the info)
3. Random Facts
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