Why Video Games Are Failing in the Movie Industry
by MajorHorndog on Comments
Bioshock, Assassins Creed, Uncharted, the list could go on about which video games would make amazing movies. They have all the plot twists, emotion driven characters and pulse pounding action need to become a hot summer blockbuster. We seem to forget that the gap between video games and movies is a little more complex and different then it would seem. Not only are they ending for most video games different the character arc takes multiple different paths depending on the players actions. Which brings up the sole reason why they would fail to achieve greatness. The player has it etched into his or her mind on what Jack from Bioshock looks like or why he's making his choices. The player has their own idea of why Commander Shepard spared one race by sacrificing another. Movies are driven by another force altogether then video games. The director and writer have come up with a path that they want their characters to follow. Cinema is driven even more then video games to make money and they will do this by any means even if it means not following true to the story you've come to adore. Movies are not bound by the video game plot and if they can get away with making changes to it then the plot and characters they will. The movie industry also have another challenge in that they will have two different audiences to attend to. The people who love the video game adapted movie as a video game and the otheres who haven ever played them. Lets face it, not everyone have played Mass Effect, or Gears of Wars. No matter how strange that may sound to us its true. Some people don't share the same passion that we do. So the movie makers have a choice they can stay true to the video game plot and characters and risk losing the audience who have never played the game or they can stray from the path and simplify the plot and characters to make it lore friendly to all. Hollywood has run out of ideas, its been a known fact for awhile now. So the eventual Halo movie everyone is asking for may eventually come to surface, but will it live up to the standards that we hold in our heads? Will it get the attention and starlight that we think it deserves? And thats the question that will make it almost impossible to have a successful movie adaptation of our favorite video games. The game is made for the player, to be played and controlled by the player, something that Hollywood has yet to understand.
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