Yo so check it i went to that lock in i talked about in my last post. It was fun, but not as fun as copes party. They had some christian band playin, im not into the Oh god jesus your my savior spit, but you couldnt really hear what they were sayin cause they had a "Hot mic" well iunno what that means, but cory told me so it must be right. So we were jumpin around and it was fun, then there was a magician. He was doin some pretty cool stuff, then he asked for some volunteers. Stupid me, i raise my hand and he pointed to the kid in front of me a couple of rows, but i thought he was poinin at me so i start runnin up there and that other kid jumps out right in front of me, he tells me to sit down like a real jerk. But anyway he does his tricks, and the last trick he asked for a volunteer and he picked me. He asked me some question about somethin like how do i communicate w/ god or somethin, so i looked around and saw a thing on the table that said prayer, so i said prayer,I WAS RIGHT... and there was 2 other things but i forget, neway it was cool.
So we get done and were playin bball and then we went to Incredible Pizza. so we had to take like 2 buses up there cuz there was so many kids, we had nobody i really knew on my bus so i just shut up for once and waited til we got their. We ate some pizza and stuff and started playin games and stuff, it was cool.
On the way home i was gonna ride the other bus cuz i knew like everybody on there. Anyway we were gonna leave, and the driver, Matt Ogden kicked me and some other guys off and told us to go back where we came from, i thought buddy, thems fightin words right there, but hes huge and well it was church so i didnt act on it. But we got back and played ball and listened to music and stuff, i thought it was pretty cool. About 5:30 me and my friend rob were playin w/ a big purple ball, and some freshman hit me when he jumped to get the ball, and so i hit him with it in the back. It got away from me and he went for it, so i pushed him away, then about halfcourt in the churchs gym i saw him when i bent over to pick the ball up, so i kinda benyt a little lower and when i felt him hit me i rose up and flipped him off my back like on remember the titans. But then he got up and jumped on my back when i was running back to rob. I pulled a freakin madden move dude i swear, i grabbed him with my arm and pulled him off a little and then i stopped short and spun, when i fell backwards, i landed on him ( i know this doesnt sound true, but it is and you can believe what you want ) but i landed on him and did like a backflip/roll off of him then i got to my feet and ran back to rob.
That was the big story for the rest of the morning, i felt a little weird, everyone knowing what i did, but later on i didnt really care because he deserved it.