Useless Animal Info
by MajorPlaya89 on Comments
There is a sea squirt (found in the seas near Japan) that digests its own brain. When the sea squirt is mature it permanently attaches itself to a rock. At this point it does not need to move anymore and has no need for a brain. Some ribbon worms will eat themselves if they can't find any food. A ducks quack does not echo. 1 in 5,000 north Atlantic lobsters are born bright blue. An ant's sense of smell is as good as a Dog's. A Horse has 18 more bones than a Human. Elephants are the only Mammals that can't jump. A polar bears skin is black. Its fur is not white, but actually clear. Polar bears are left handed. Polar bears are the only mammal with hair on the soles of its feet. Rats can't vomit. Giraffes have no vocal chords. The giraffe has a black tongue which is 14 inches long. A giraffe and rat can go longer without water than a camel can. A chameleon's tongue is twice the length of its body. A full-grown bear can run as fast as a horse. The world smallest mammal is the bumblebee bat of Thailand, weighing less than a penny. A Dalmatian is the only dog that can get gout. Humans and Dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure. The snail mates only once in it's entire life. You can tell the sex of a turtle by the sound it makes, A male grunts, A female hisses. Male bees will try to attract sex partners with orchid fragrance. An oyster can change it's sex a number of times during its life. Some lions mate 50 times a day. All the swans in England are property of the Queen.An ostrich's eye is bigger than it's brain. A hedgehog's heart beats 300 times a minute on average. A blue whales heart only beats nine times per minute. A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out. A crocodile can't move its tongue. A crocodiles tongue is attached to the roof of its mouth. The ant can lift 50 times its own weight. The flea can jump 350 times its body length. A cockroach can live nine days without its head before it starves to death. A starfish can turn its stomach inside out. Starfish's have no brains. A cat has 32 muscles in each ear. A cat has 4 rows of whiskers. The cheetah is the only cat that can't retract its claw. A lions roar can be heard from five miles away. Cats have over 100 vocal sounds, while dogs have about 10. A hippopotamus can run faster than a man can. A horse can sleep standing up. A jellyfish is 95% water. Butterflies taste with their feet. A millipede has 4 legs on each segment of its body. A cat uses it's whiskers to determine if a space is too small to squeeze through. A rhinoceros horn is made of compacted hair. Rhinos are part of the same family as horses. Rodents teeth never stop growing.A shark can detect one part of blood in 100 million parts of water. A shark can grow a new set of teeth in a week. Slugs have four noses. Owls are one of the only birds that can see the color blue. The penguin is the only bird that can swim but can't fly. Sharks are immune to cancer. The oldest goldfish lived for 14,795 days. If a shark's mouth is open to long it will suffocate. Anteaters prefer termites to ants. Rabbits can suffer from heat stroke. The placement of a donkey's eyes in its' head enables it to see all four feet at one time. Camels have three eyelids to protect themselves from blowing sand. If you keep a Goldfish in the dark room it will turn white (eventually). The common goldfish is the only animal that can see both infrared and ultra-violet light. A pregnant goldfish is called a twit. A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds. The praying mantis is the only insect that can turn its head. Cat urine glows under a black light. Cats sleep 16 to 18 hours per day. Reindeer milk has more fat than cow milk. Baby robins eat 14 feet of earthworms every day. The average housefly lives for only two weeks. A dragonfly has a life span of 24 hours. Flies jump backwards when they take off. Hamsters blink one eye at a time.More to come later.