Ok I'm bored so I read around and found out about this tag thing. At first I thought this was that deodorant thing but its that thing where you give 5 facts about yourself...I think. I also JUST realized I was tagged by chocolate a while ago but I do not know when or if it really was chocolate but I was tagged nonetheless...Ok I think this is how it works....
1. My name is Christian but some call me the generic name of Chris for short
2. When I was a tiny tot I got some sort of hook in my eye and needed eye surgery(maybe the reason I have TERRIBLE vision, y'know like in those eye exams...I can't even read the highest row of letters......but I still do not wear contacts/glasses)
3. I'm hispanic but I am not able to speak spanish fluently
4. I STILL don't have a job even though I'm 20 and at a university like UT.... thanks mom and dad lol
5. I am addicted to games like GH and Rock Band cuz they have my favorite genres of music
p.s. I like Metal Gear Solid
There so maybe you learned a thing or two from me.
Also this is way early but Happy Birthday America.(4th of July for those who don't have a clue)