@KimCheeWarriorX Nintendo will be alive for at least another 50 years, with the money they have saved up from all of their previous successes. How's that for "only a matter of time?"
Fable is one of my all time favorite games! btw did anyone else notice the similarity between the timing of this and of conker: live and reloaded? I mean, two remakes of beloved past-gen games on an almost dead microsoft console of the current generation? Did anyone see that?
@onixevil Gerstmann: They're murdering dogs! They're slitting the throats of dogs! They're killing dogs! That's all it was, a full hour of dogs getting their throats cut! We're sitting there and we're like "why are you doing this?" It's like "it's the future of interactive entertainment! Line up!" NO!!!!
Did you know that in all the confusion following the xbox one reveal (and the bullshit following as well) that the wii u's sales rank on amazon UK jumped up 875%? Thought you should all know.
@COPMAN221ISBACK @dexxor245 @MajorasMask00 because they couldn't get their shit together! That's why their comments were either changed later or muddled.
MajorasMask00's comments