Google it! The end of the age is near.
Are you a virus or white blood cell on Earth?
Do you think Propaganda is evil?
Too much meat!
What is your favourite food?
What is your favourite car?
Why is women so vicious?
Why are Asians healthier than us?
OMG smart ants!
Who thinks In-game Advertisement is bad?
Anyone has any idea how people hair color changed during evolution?
Mars had life but now died
Will Robots replace Jobs and Movie Acters?
What Country women were more free in ancient times?
Sexual ads problem, ban or no ban
Do you think anime is becoming a health issue for people and making some people lazy?
God and his/her/it knowledge
Do you guys think Scorpian,Lobsters and Shrimps are in the same family?
Do you think US is trying to make Canadians turn into them?
Anti-Crazy help
Is a Religious leader bad?
If there were alien invading the planet where would they invade first?
How much meat you ate?
Girls don't like muscles...? True or False?
what is the worst animal that can be a pet?
What are you going to do on a Great Depression?
Do you think the world is already a jail or becoming a jail?
What is the scariest creature you saw so far?
Factory Farming problem.
Do you think our loud music scares animals away?
Would you be very sad if Jackie Chan or Jet Li died?
Fruits or Juice?