@JustinGoSka: What you said here is true and i dont disagree At ALL......but like you yourself admitted (that is basically my real point in my original post) gaming on PCs is not something that would ever create real problems for the console market.
@JustinGoSka: Keeping up with a good PC requires you to spend way more money instead to simply buy the new gen console and keep that for the whole generation (that's also because developers really put effort in optimizing games for consoles while for the PC version they dont give a damn for optimization so to play the newest games you basically have to keep upgrading once in awhile if you really want to fully enjoy the superior performance that good enough PCs can offer)
....and lol at "technical knowledge" required to play on PCs, everything is done idiot-proof nowadays, including gaming on PCs or using PCs in general actually -_-
@JustinGoSka: What you describe is indeed not farfetched but imo it's definitely NOT what this article is about, especially since that wouldnt represent at all a "post-console world" -_-
@pcps4xb: I completely disagree, gaming on PC's problems have nothing to do with that, infact there are tons of hardcore gamers that prefer to play on consoles simply 'cause that are many advantages doing so.
@Baconstrip78: Learn to read genius 'cause i wasnt pimping PC at all, not even remotely, infact i stated clearly that the "PC solution" wasnt able to hinder the videogame consoles exactly 'cause consoles answer to different needs.
Maybe next time read properly the posts before replying with nonsense, thx.
I completely disagree with this interview, even the comparison with DVD feels incredibly moronic (and misleading) since it's not even remotely the same thing.
What the dude is talking about in theory has already a solution right in front of our eyes since ages ago, it's called PC........and still that solution was never able to create a problem for gaming consoles.
.....and the reason is actually obvious and it's incredible that the dude seems to be completely oblivious: OPTIMIZATION and work with fixed standards for a whole generation without worrying every second having to upgrade your hardware, those are NOT minor details -_-
The only way to REALLY make the console system obsolete would be to completely reform the net, having in the users' homes devices as simple "doors" connected to a centralized system where all the actual computing would be done.....and it's honestly not a very realistic approach at this point.....and personally not even something that i would hope for -_-
MalakTawus' comments