Um no it hasn't sony says they won't block used games and that doesn't mean they wont do what Microsoft is doing and charging people an extra fee to do so xbox1 is a joke and nothing more than a drm machine i dont respect any gamer who supports them
@DawgByte2 lol dude you just started gaming? The newer systems hardly ever dominates the charts the ps2 out sold the ps3 for years man and as far as the 360 a good bit of sales are from people buying a new one because of hardware failure i personally went through 5 of them two i actually paid for. The fact that the wii u is selling like it is with absolutely no system selling games is great just imagine whats gonna happen when Nintendo releases their first party system sellers or retro reveals metroid prime ? Hell Nintendo just bought the rights to eternal darkness then theirs xenoblade x, bayonetta 2 so yeah im gonna go buy an xbox 7 whatever for no exclusives to play what exactly? Any game they come up with i can play on my pc with better graphics
@Arab_Spring its not that big of a deal dude i got a 1tb external for 70 bucks works like a charm looks great and took less than 2 min to setup. Its cheapest this way and if you dont download you dont need it plain and simple people make to much of a big deal out of everything these days not you just people in general
@Ripper_TV @nonfanboygamer1 lol ummm please tell me how less competition is better ? And sorry to say Nintendo isn't going anywhere keep dreaming kids. The system is selling decent considering they have absolutely no system sellers for it yet. Wait until xenoblade x, bayonetta 2, pikman3, Zelda, metroid, 3d Mario,Mario kart, what ever game retro is working on and oh yeah eternal darkness all these games are exclusive to Nintendo and everyone of them can be considered system sellers what do I have with Microsoft halo ,gears lol please
@Toysoldier34 @MAD_AI @sssephiroth but doesn't tropico have always online drm also? on steam it said for tropico 4 online drm. That's why I didn't get it :(
@ShimmeringSword @Malicx and what exactly am I signing when I buy a music CD absolutely nothing so I didn't agree to anything its the same thing also I didn't sign anything or agree to anything when I buy a physical copy of a game that isn't attached to some form of drm.
@ShimmeringSword @Malicx I'm not talking drm BTW. You buy a game or music CD its yours forever the car I bought I own it and everything in it. For instance all my nes games I own them I can do what I want with them I don't need permission to play sell or wipe my ass with it its mine drm can kiss my ass it's something I will never support
@nukedysfunk @AliasterSlash um that's complete bullshit if you buy the game you own it plain and simple. If I buy a car paid in full guess what I own it I didn't have to be involved with making the car and I guess I don't own my house either cuz I didn't build the thing lol wtf are you talking about?
@jeremyc99999 @Malicx will do but I gotta stupid question will it be available on steam? I just got back into pc gaming and I'm just recently hearing about kickstarter
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