Malikas' forum posts
I still see the Gamecube as one of the worst video game systems of all time. Besides a few Nintendo exclusives, the Gamecube didn't have anything other systems didnt. I'll admit that I'd love to see some Mario Kart on another system, and the Resident Evil remakes were absolutely fantastic, but everything else was garbage. Ps2 and Xbox reign supreme over the Cube any day of the week.TheXboxgamer73
No, it's not true. I think Gamecube isn't the worst console ever. GC haves a lot of games. You think, WWE: Day of Reckoning, Metroid Prime, Super Mario, Freedom Fighters, Batten Kaitos, F-Zero GX, Eternal Darkness was garbage? If this games are garbage, what can give us Xbox? Few FPS and best graphics? But the graphics isn't Nr. 1, the gameplay is Nr. 1. Yes PS2 have the best games but Gamecube have the "charm" like no others.
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