Saturday I drove an hour to the nearest Toys R Us store in search of the infamous Mario items and monkey villagers. I dragged along my spouse and our good buddy Matt; they were game mainly because my birthday was Thursday, so it was sort of a birthday present. To my vast relief the download station was not only on but also set correctly, so we were able to get all the items without too much trouble.
We had 3 DSes and 3 copies of AC:WW. One DS was mine (a Lite and a birthday present to myself), one was my spouse's, and the 3rd I stupidly dropped last week and broke its hinge (leading to the purchasing of the afore mentioned Lite), so it'll be traded in soon. Depressingly all 3 copies of AC are mine. One I bought at the US launch, the second I bought for my spouse, who ended up not liking it or playing it, and the third is a European version I purchased just to practice my German, because I'm a huge dork. Each of us operated one DS and game, so it didn't take as long as it would have if I'd been alone.
I rebuilt the second town since it was unused and thus was able to get 5 monkeys in that town; interestingly they did not move in with the first 5 bottle messages as I had been under the impression that they would. It took quite a few (15, maybe?) before all 5 had moved in, so apparently you aren't guaranteed a monkey with each bottle note, despite Katrina's message about a simian moving in. The other interesting thing was that we actually got about the same amount of each item amongst all three games. The thing was, each game had one or two items with many more copies than the others, while there were one or two that didn't appear until the 20th bottle message or so. It made me wonder if there had only been one of us, if we'd have had an even distribution; basically if multiple games downloading at the same time just interfered with each other.
All in all it was interesting, and we weren't the only ones there downloading, either. There was a guy there with his girlfriend (he was downloading items with his DS while she played the demo, looking bored) when we got there. We also wound up buying quite a few games that were on clearance for 10 or 20 bucks, so TRU benefited pretty well. I'm sure there've been people there all week hanging around the videogame section and annoying the employees...
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