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The 249 billion Yen mistake

Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI) seems to have made a mistake on their website. On the corporate information-company profile page, it says that SCEI earned 124.5 billion Yen for the fiscal year of 2007. It is clearly marked as a "gain" because the 2006 income/loss figure right beside it is marked with parentheses, which indicates loss, while the 2007 figure is not in parentheses.

However, if you check Sony Corporation's Consolidated Financial Statements, SCEI's 2007 income/loss (recorded as the 2008 game segment's operating income/loss on page 72) is recorded as a 124.5 billion Yen loss. In parentheses.

Compare the fiscal 2006 losses and the fiscal 2007 losses, and you see that SCEI is actually doing much better. But I suppose listing two losses side by side still looks really, really bad, which is, I'm thinking, the reason why they chose to not put those parentheses around "124.5 billion Yen".

Or did they really just make a mistake?