ManiacalM / Member

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second entry...second reason why I like video games

ok, in my first entry I stated that I like sum video games because of the competition involved. now here's my second reason


ok, for a game to be good it has to have a good story line...unless its one of thsoe competetive games that on one even pays attention to the story mode...if there is one. Ok, I really enjoy reading books and when I find a good, its really hard to put down. I spend day and nite reading it until its finished, then when its done...I'm dissappointed that there's no more to read. I then speent a few days thinking over the book - like wut's gonna happen next, wut if I was in the book, wut if the real world was like this book. Books lead to thought...which is always good to I just wish sum of my friends did it more often. ok, jsut as a book makes me think, so does a good video game thathas a good story line. the storyline is wut pulls u in and keeps u playing. Its not always the action or the blood gushing special effects that make u go back to the game after yur done with dinner...its the curiosity of "wut's gonna happen next?" I eman, theres alot of games out there that dont even have a storyline...or even characters, like Tetris, but its still a colt hit. But that brings me back to the competition part...but this time its a player trying to beat themselves and get a higher score than before...or if u got 2 palyers, then its jsut good ol' fashioned use up all your quarters arcade style competition. but I'm gettin off track, I'm talkin about storylines, which is essential for games that dont have the button mashing, simple ideology that arcade quarter slot game like pacman or even MArvel vs Capsom has...even though some of those games actually require strategy. Well all games require strategy...but there are so many types of strategy, but I wont get into them agaiun caus eI am again going off topic.

ok, back to storylines. any game that doesnt have the simplicty and competitive spirit like pacman has has to have a good storyline. one of my favoite games ahs to be Resident evil. there are loads of zombie games out...all the same - find a gun and then blow a zombies brain out and then find a key for sum door. but wuts makes resident evil good is that the soty line draws u in and makes u feel liek your actually in the this case, the zombie and monster infested streets of Racoon City...or where ever else the series takes place. Video games have the same concept as a book...but when u add a console and a controller, u get to control wut happens in the game, kinda liek those choose yur own destination horror books...but way better. I mean, if there wasnt a story lien then it would be just you runnin around shootin endless zombies...kinda like a retarded version of House of the Dead. and that would be jsut boring. Storylines, characters, backround stories, they all amke a game better...well in my opinion. if a game doesnt have a good storyline, it had better have a helluva graphics engine and whole lotta competitive style game play or its gonna be a horrible game.

well there's my 2 cents.

well now that Ive used this gamespot journal, I actually found out I like it. ita a good place to express ones I might get a level up cause I used