well, i called nintendo, and it turns out i have some problems...
so that means i have to send my wii to nintendo, AGAIN!
oh my gosh! this makes me irratated...very irratated
well, lets start with the reason why i have to send it...
well, my brawl disc is kinda strange, it freezes and gets a disc error when im at the sse, and only at sse. so i called them and they said its my wii, ( sigh )
and well, i guess their is a bright side!
the repair IS FREE.
not only that, im sending my super mario galaxy for repairs too, and only for $25.00
but the reason why im mad is because, i have to wait 7-11 buisness days! :(
well, thats all, and im sending it tommarow ( monday, june 2nd , 2008 )
well, thats all...
but i guess i can go to my brothers and play his ps2!
meh, now im happy again :P
later gamers! :P