Manny1105 / Member

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Up late + Daily Goals + Other News

Hey! well, im up late, and I cant go to sleep, even if I try. what is wierd is that when I was online last night,the only one who was online was troop01. wow . pretty wierd for me, knowing that its bassicly a party every night im on. :P

so yeah, thats all for that.

well, now im starting some daily goals.

here they are!

1. beat troop01 4 times online brawl

2. beat sora592 once on brawl online

3. get my V points on MKWII to 5600

4. take some better care of my mom

5. try to earn some money ( 5$ at least )

6. make it to 950 post`s

well thats all.

Now for my gaming report! :o

im still doing the same thing pretty much.

on my life as a king im on day 117. im almost done beating the game!

and for super smash bros brawl, believe it or not, I FINALLY BEAT TROOP01! woot woot! yeah, ive noticed I got better. maybe its because I was fighting him so much and never won, I found his weaknesses. well, only on fox that is. did I tell you im now using wolf? lol, yeah

im still trying to get into MKWII, because my addiction to my life as a king has been taking affect.

allrighty, in other news...some one asked me if my moms baby is a girl or boy ( sigh )

its a girl...

yep, im the only boy, I do have a half brother, but I dont think that counts, his last name is melero and mine is different....

I guess its up to me to have as many boys as I can when im married, other wise my family name will die... seriously. I want like 4 boys, so then they can have 4 boys, then they have 4 boys, I just seriously want boys when I grow up...wait, that came out wrong...

and also, I realized a few lies from my childhood

you know how your parents tell you " the truth will set you free ", well, technocily not really. lets just say im in court for robbing a bank, and the judge asked " did you rob this bank? " if I told him yes, then I would be in jail, not free...

and also, you know how parents say " if you put your mind into it, you can do anything you want "

HAHAHAHAHA! thats some bull...

because, if I wanted to fly... I cant, because thats just phisics... well, unless im on a plane, but thats not techonicily flying, yet I am in the air...hmmm, ok IDK

and if I wanted to change my skin color, I CANT, because im born that way!...

then again...micheal jackson did exactly that...

but that doesnt count, because he is not of our species...:P jk

well thats all for my blog.

Later Gamerz! :P