51.) Borderlands 2 11/20/2012
52.) Playstation All-Star Battle Royale 11/26/2012
53.) Playstation All-Star Battle Royale Vita 12/3/2012
54.) Jak 3 12/12/2012
55.) Lego The Lord of The Rings Vita 12/29/2012
56.) Lego Batman 2 DC Super Heroes Vita 1/8/2013
57.) Record of Agarest War 2 1/24/2013
58.) Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 2/14/2013
59.) Final Fantasy XIII 3/4/2013
60.) Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 3/8/2013
61.) Fist Of The North Star Ken's Rage 2 3/22/2013
62.)Final Fantasy XIII-2 3/26/2103
63.)Sly Cooper Thieves in Time 4/22/2013
64.)Sly Cooper Thieves in Time Vita 4/22/2013
65.)Dynasty Warrior Gundam 3 4/30/2013
66.)Dynasty Warrior Gundam 2 7/12/2013
67.)Unreal Tournament 3 7/20/2013
68.) Castlevania Lords of Shadow 8/3/2013
69.) Saints Row The Third 8/24/2013
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