It's been over a year since this game came out (P.O.S. on release, per my review at least). Having beat deity during the short time I spent with the game during the fall of 2010, I was curious and looked up the % of steam owners who have beaten deity after one year and am very suprised to learn it is only 1.2%!!!! Wow! I guess visiting civfanatics really skews my thinking towards the general population of gamers.
Manyac Blog
BF3 Rig
by Manyac on Comments
i5-2500k @ 4.5
EVGA GTX 560 ti superclocked
4x4GB DDR 1600
ASRock P67 Extreme4 Gen3
2x1TB 7200 rpm
Corsair HX750W
24" Asus LED backlight monitor
I plan on throwing another EVGA 560 ti superclocked in there. I'm waiting for it to go on sale or NVIDIA to give a different bundled game. Also, I have settings for a stable 4.7 GHz on my CPU, but my chip needs 1.42 volts to be stable at that clock and I was much more comfortable running 4.5 GHz with 1.32 volts.
Also, is it crazy that the xbox 360 and ps3 are still around?
Solo Run Done (Finally)
by Manyac on Comments
2 years later, i finally fired up BG2 to finish that solo run: it was tedious.
In retrospect, it shouldn't have surprised me that this was possible, and, after awhile, downright easy. Its a lot easier to keep a character who is, for all purposes, invulnerable, alive than 6 idiots who can't be protected from everything.
Dragon Age First Impressions
by Manyac on Comments
Finally, an RPG that actually holds my interest. So far, the story itself isn't that remarkable (not that its bad), but the world and enviroenment has so much depth that it sucks you in and keeps you wanting more.
New Laptop!
by Manyac on Comments
Asus M50Vm-A1.
Getting tons of new games for it (some old..):
CS:S, COD4, Crysis
Dawn of War 2, Starcraft 2
D3, Dragon Age
I wonder if I have time for all this!
Return to the Old
by Manyac on Comments
Hey, just a checkup of my current gaming:
I started a solo sorc BGII:SoA and ToB run (on insane). Pretty fun so far, even though I've only currently escaped Irenicus's dungeon and quickly bought my magic permit, I can already tell that soon I will experience the epic power of baldur's gate as I have never before. I can already see my solo sorc distroying the baddest baddies, and insanely powerful dragons. Considering the length of this endeavour (and my current studies) this should take awhile, but it's going to be wonderful.
I'm about the fire up Nexus: TJE again (2nd time), what a wonderful gem. Hope to finish this within the week.
Still desperately trying to get the last few accomplishments in the WC3 world, then leave it for good after admiring my work.
Also, managed to fire up perfect dark the other day and own my hall-mates, they were no match for the way I was able to headshot them non-stop.
FFV Discovered
by Manyac on Comments
So, 5 or 6 years of competative warcraft 3 and I finally feel like its coming to an end. There are still quite a bit of players online, but its beginning to feel like I've acomplished everything I feel like (and for at least 5 years off and on thats quite a bit). Its looking like i will end up playing a tourny twice a week or so, but otherwise play a single player game or an RPG. Plus, i believe the latter options will actually take less of a toll on my grades.
Luckily, I have finally discovered how awesome FFV is. The job system really breathes new life into the formula and lets me take another spin on things. I'm disappointed that after replaying countless other RPGs, I never took the time to play through this one. I'm about 30 hours in (collecting everything of course) and almost headed to the end. Its a good thing I found this to take a break from RTS.Bioware: Sellout
by Manyac on Comments
Well I had not been paying attention to the gaming scene for quite awhile considering the only computer i can play games is on is limited to basically Warcraft III (which is definately alot of fun: my micro is getting better). I point firefox to gamespot and I find that bioware has sold its soul to EA. There goes another great company. In the rare event that EA doesnt **** with bioware, there may be a few more good games.
All this has come about from my anticipation of Dragon Age. Gamespot doesnt have much information about it, but bioware's site does. It's nice to here that its "playable". I definatly have high hopes for this one. One of my major expectations is that they revert back to the old difficulty. Lately RPGs (even bioware's KOTOR, NWN..) have been insanely easy. Dragon Age, as baldurs gate's "spiritual succesor" needs to go back to a difficulty where you need to THINK about how you are forming and evolving your character before you do it. Also, just like Baldurs Gate, battles need to be premeditated. I found in other more recent RPGs, I just use my abilities "for fun" when really all I need to do is click once on an enemy... its not really fun.
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