Got bored of BF3 months ago, so there is no reason for me to purchase this. Dante2710this
Manyac's forum posts
Well it's good that its back on steam. But it's overpriced at $40.
How long do you have (or how long are you willing to wait) to spend that money? I'd recommend waiting for the usual steam summer sale.
No. Too much of a hassle tinkering with the OS. Time is money.
Subscription fees/microtransactions, can't use mods, old engine, bad mechanics...
I felt the same way. Got past the starting thing ont he first attempt, then into chapter 2 or 3 in the second. Haven't tried it again and its been over a year now. Maybe I will be bored one day and try...
I agree in that D3 is cartoony.
But seeing that Blizzard has two expansions for SC2 to release in the coming years, I think warcraft 4 is far off, if it is coming at all.
I played beta -- I wanted to like it, what with the hype. But I don't like it - "streamlined" character development (this would be ok if not for the loss of freedom, but i digress). cartoony/dated graphics, RMAH, always online, the list goes on.
I'll be spending my $60 somewhere else.
Agreed. This is a really enjoyable game for strategy fans.
DRM and ubisoft aside, I am interested in this game, but I think I will wait on the price point. My number one reason is that I have a large backlog of games right now: more than enough to keep me busy until ano goes on an even better sale (e.g. summer/winter).
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