Well, after three horrible days of travel, I am in Utah! Good, I guess, but I'd rather be home...
Anyway, I actually found a remote WiFi signal, and it works about 50% of the time, so I can use the internet on my computer. I am currently trying to route the signal from my computer, and outbound the data via ethernet cable to my xbox360 (which I brought with me).
So, I can get on GameSpot at least occasionally, and I should be able to figure out a way to get on Xbox Live using this random WiFi signal (or maybe I'll just buy a wireless adapter for my xbox, but that means $... which I don't have very much of at the moment :shock: ).
I also picked up Battlefield: Modern Combat. I hated the demo, and then I played the game at my friends and still hated it, but I needed something to keep me busy until Prey comes out, and everyone recomended BFMC.... so I caved in and got that. I'm also planning on getting Hitman, but GameFly didn't have that in stock, so I went for BFMC.
In closing, I'm glad I can use GameSpot while I'm here, and I have some desperate hope that I will be able to route the connection I found and get on Xbox Live.... so wish me luck!
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