I was not aware of Ghost Recon: Wildlands is regarded as a negative game. I thoroughly enjoyed it and cannot wait to play Ghost Recon: Breakpoint!
The Division: On the other hand, I can see why it was regarded with criticism. I for one was deeply involved in the backstory of this franchise. Unfortunately, there were a lot of differences between the original trailers and gameplay versus what we were given. The idea of working together was amazing, as long as you knew someone else playing the game. I, like most anticipated the arrival of the Division 2, but I personally think it was let down. It relied heavily on the previous game and the story was bland.
Mass Effect: Andromeda: Like someone previously mentioned in this thread, if you regard this installment in the ME world as a stand-alone game and nothing more, it does have a great story and the game is not that bad. I personally believe they should have just removed "Mass Effect" from the name and replaced the species and this game would have more than likely went further than it did.......regardless of the famed facial issues at its' release.
Resident Evil: I tried. I really tried to like Resident Evil 5. I could not get into it. I loved Resident Evil 1-4 and X, but for some reason, I could not do it. I personally feel the developers strayed too far away from the origins of Resident Evil and went another direction that was not well received. This happened with the Silent Hill series as well. After Silent Hill 1-3, it was not Silent Hill anymore.
@MarcRecon said:
Resident Evil 5-6
Mass Effect Andromeda
The Division
Ghost Recon WildLands
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