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The Introduction...

Admittedly, I was thinking of some kind of witty and interesting way to introduce myself to the GameSpot blogging scene. After days of tossing ideas in my head and getting over some of my own nervousness ("what if nobody reads it? Then it'll look like some pathetic gamer just ranting for no reason..."), I decided just to try a simple introduction.

Well, I'm MarchingOrd3rZ. I like playing video games. As far as genre, I'm pretty open to all though I am partial to fighting games. I don't believe anyone should have to pay to play with their friends on-line, which is one of the reasons I stick to PC and PlayStation 3 gaming.

I don't plan on ever buying another Nintendo console until they can prove some longevity with their consoles. Call me spoiled, but the PlayStation 2 has enjoyed nearly 12 years of support with six years of simultaneous support alongside the PlayStation 3. No, I'm not a fan-boy. I am just a gamer that likes good quality things that work. I think those are some simple criteria to meet.

However, I do own a Nintendo Wii. I do play it a good deal, especially Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. If anyone wants to challenge me in any of those, bring it on! I love a good challenge. Inbox me your Wii Friend Code.

Besides gaming I am a HUGE sports fan, which is ironic because I don't play any sports games. (I may dabble in a little NBA 2K13 though...). I love music. I'm open to any suggestions you may have concerning artist I should give a listen to, as long as it is not country music. No, I'm not budging on my dislike for country music.

I am a budding programmer, currently learning C++ and C#. Eventually I would like to learn Java and Javascript. I am a Linux (Lubuntu and Xubuntu) user, though I do own a Windows laptop (Alienware. Yes sir...). I like Apple products. I am a huge beef eater. I love exercising.

I think that's pretty much it.

My blog is going to be pretty much all about games, anywhere from gaming hardware to gaming software. I'll probably do some game reviews. I may come in with a music album review or two, depending on how un-lazy I'm feeling on that particular day.

I'll update three times a week.

I will try to find a way to get a link to other gaming communities I'm in such as Desura, Steam, and Windows Live. Keep an eye out if you're interested.