Pretty much a all around gamer when it comes to genre, but I am a gamer that likes the experiences. I want to feel like I am a part of the universe of the game I'm playing. One of the reasons the Half-Life and Portal series are my favorite games is because they immerse you in their universe, making you question whether what you call reality is real or not.
But I digress.
Having said all of that I am a fighting game fan at heart, my first real video game experiences was playing Tekken 2 with my dad on the ol' PlayStation One. Ever since then, Tekken and Street Fighter have been my staples along with the previously mentioned Half-Life and Portal series.
I'm pretty much open to any game suggestions.
I co-founded a gaming community, TheKillaMilitia, that I created fairly recently. It's a PC and PS3 clan now, but we are definitely looking to expand to Xbox. We just created our homepage, and we stream games on the weekends. Come check us out!
--->PSN: MarchingOrd3rZ
--->Steam: MarchingOrd3rZ
--->Xbox Live: MarchingOrd3rZ (no, I do not plan on getting a Gold membership)
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