As some of you know my Gears disc died and left me playing Vegas which is fun and all but i freakin HATE respawns and any games over 10 players in one room. So i was pretty much stuck for 2 weeks wihtough gears of war. i went through chainsaw withdrawls, host advantage withdrawls,and ofcourse blondefryys running shotgunning me to death withdrawls. lol (you dont know her but she is on tGC with me and everytime we play on opposite teams i can be in teh midst of a battle on teh other side of the map and she will POOF out of nowhere and blow me to bits. she is notorious for it)well i finally got it back. i conned blockbuster into giving me 32 bux for my old disc and i only paid 32 for the new game. woot woot. oh yeah i changed my GT a while back and i have yet to update my Sig in teh forums so it is
tGC PaulyBoy
hit it up anybody i love playing new peopel. also check out
thats the podcast i work for you will iek it. it covers GoW 360 and XBL stuff. so tune in. add it. (its a myspace account. atelast untill the website is published)