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Top Ten Games of All Time - #8


Remember the reason everyone wanted to own an XBOX? Remember the greatest launch game to ever grace the video gaming world? Remember the first time you popped it in and witnessed the jaw-dropping visuals and incredible backgrounds? Everyone has their own memories of HALO. This was arguably the first great FPS of the new console generation (new console generation being XB, PS2, GC) and it spawned one of the most loved FPS series of all time. Loads of other shooters were reviewed based on how memorable they were compared to HALO.

This game has an incredible single player campaign, rife with amazing moments. Who can forget the first single player sniper rifle level? The Truth and Reconciliation. And then the Assault on the Control Room, with the tank. That was so much fun. That tank kicks ass. And the Scorpion Tank still kicks ass, only human-controlled players can't sit on the sides of it anymore. And then you think that the multiplayer in this game led to some of the most popular online multiplayer games of all time (HALO 2 and 3). It's better than its two sequels, but not by much. The original HALO just had so much newness and originality that left you wanting more, and that's why it made my list.