So I bought the new underOATH album, Lost in the Sound of Separation, off of itunes, and I'm currently halfway done with listening to it. It's already incredible. Mind-blowing. If you like hardcore mixed in with your rock and some amazing melodic moments, underOATH is your kind of band. Go listen to them if you never have before.
I recommend these songs:
- Cries of the Past
- Angel Below
- When the Sun Sleeps
- To Whom it May Concern
- A Boy Brushed Red...Living in Black and White
- Reinventing Your Exit
- It's Dangerous Business Walking Out Your Front Door
So, since I'm back in college, and I played three years of varsity tennis in high school, I decided to play club tennis. I've been to two practices, and it turns out that above average compared to the other people who have showed up, so that's a pretty good sign. I even beat the club president in doubles today!
I can't wait to see how much better I'll be after the year is over.