Mari_Pwns / Member

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Mari_Pwns Blog

TRACK [2] || VANILLA {Grafix Update!}

As you can see, I made a banner and header =D

Yes, my header sukz donkey,  but I like my banner. If you're wonderig who the girl is, she's Haruko from Furi Kuri. Why is she there? Because her weapon is a guitar, and she reminds me of a guitar hero, which is my favorite game at the moment! ^_^

So... critique and hints to make my profile look awesomesauce? =O 

TRACK [1] || FIDELITY {Hello, my name is Sarcasm}

Wow, I really never thought I'd start coming here. I've seen my brother get on this place 24-7 (His username is random. Will update once I ask) but I never really knew why. So here I am, seeing what the big deal's about.


Well, if you haven't guessed, my name is Mari, short for something else (not Maria...) and I'm a 17 year old hispanic from California. Hobbies would be hanging out with friends as much as I possibly can, reading manga, and playing video games on my spare time. Since this is a video game based web site, I like all kinds of games, but my favorite types would have to be Sqeenix RPG's and anything that doesn't have to do with car or mecha racing.

I keep to myself IRL, but it's because I go by one rule. If it doesn't concern me, I DON'T CARE. Yes, I am aware that I am a bit conceited, but I rather not know anything about what's his face asking out losergirl and now losergirl's mom is in jail, but I am a bit knowsy about what my friend's are doing.

Oh, BTW... I'm mean, I'm rude, get used to it. If I piss you off, don't make such a big deal out of it. I'm sarcastic most of the time, so don't fuss and hold grudges against me. If you don't get on my bad side, I'm pretty nice and fun to be around. I guess that's all for now.