So, it's no big secret that I have some feelings for my former clan-mate Rich/Berg, or I wouldn't think it would be a big secret. However, my openess in talking about it with several people on AIM and MSN has led to the discovery of my potential plans of flying to England to meet Rich to see if there's anything there, by my boyfriend (whom I live with). So you can imagine, I'm in pretty hot water, but talking with him didn't really help to clarify any feelings I have all jumbled up inside me. :? It would also help if Rich were to respond without being vague like he has a tendency of doing... Oh well, I'm sure things will sort themselves out sooner or later...
I'm still trying to get into the swing of things at school again. Having a new site with all these brand new features doesn't help my short attention span either. :lol: I just have to keep reminding myself though that I'm only a semester away from graduating and I hope that will give me enough oomph to get back on track....