Why do people on Gamespot flame the PS3, Ive noticed a war between Xbox360 and PS3. People say the PS3 is garbage, and it trully isnt. I am or was a Nintendo fan, I own SNES, N64, NGC, and all the portables. Wii just sucks, it has been dedicated to fat people to lose weight and not enough to gamers, so I bought the PS3 without ever playing it before. I now, regret all my life, of buying Nintendo crap, and not Sonys perfection.
Back to the theme... The PS3 has alot of games the Xbox360 has like GTA4, NFS, Saints Row, Oblivion, R6:V2, Assassins Creed, and much more. They both got their console sellers like in the case of Xbox, Halo and Gear of War and in the case of PS3, Resistance and MGS4. They both have their weaknesses and their strengths.
PS3 has like you all know an 8-Core 3.2 Processor, which in gaming language, it will never lag. PS3 has the blue-ray disc, which is amazing, and the graphics ofcourse, are too real to be true, but some games lack color.
In Xbox, colors are hilarious, online community is amazingly big, and it has Fable 2... lol ... The Xbox is too delicate though, Ive already burnt three.
The PS3 and the Xbox are very similar, why flame each other if we can flame the Wii which is a piece of crap... noone should own a wii unless you are less than four years old.
An in the case of people crying about PC being better than console, I have to agree that a PC does much more than a console, but in the case of graphics and gameplay, just go to sleep, GameSpot even scores PC games less than Console, you need an amazing PC to never lag while playing, and a good PC is 1 grand+, and BTW, an 8-core processor is only found on the MAC, which has a cost of 25 grands, i mean 25 grands vs 500 bucks, just .... no comments or Ill get banned lol...
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