I have been playing Nintendo since I was five,only having Super Mario Bros and duck hunt.. Since then I've gotten every Nintendo system and every nintendo handheld except Gameboy Color.In my opinion Nintendo still makes the best games; Mario, Kirby, Super Smash Bros., Zelda, Metroid and Pokemonruled the schoolyard back in the day.I started noticing a problem when for the first time I seriously started considering getting a non-Nintendo system while playing my friends 360.
Look at wii's page on gamespot. The news screen that flashes by now only has four slots, the other systems having five slots, not too big of a deal, theres just not as much news to report for the Wii.
Next look at the top rated games section, eight of those are nintendo made. I remember Nintendo talking about all the third party support it was getting with wii. And the third party games we do get are nothing special, Naruto, One Piece, de blob and truama center? nothing main stream nintendo will really benefit from.
The graphics, us nintendo fans can say it doesn't matter, and graphics will never be the deciding factor for me personally, but it is for a lot of people and Call of Duty 4 for xbox360 is alot nicer than my call of duty 3 for wii
And all of this is happening when PS3 dropped its price and started coming out with a few successful games, which is something 360 has been doing for quite some time now. How long do you think before Nintendo slips from power? i cant see it staying on top for more than two more years at this rate.
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