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MarioandWB's station: Why CD-i Zelda stinks!

The CD-i was introduced in 1991 after Nintendo dropped a deal with Philips to make an add-on for the Super NES. Shortly after, Nintendo gave Philips the permission to use five Nintendo characters for their CD-i games. What were the first games you ask: The ZELDA CD-I GAMES! Since the CD-i's years, many people hated the system (although it has developed a strong cult following due to Internet parodies i.e. "Youtube Poop") due to its questionable controls and bad graphics. These Zelda games were MUCH, MUCH Worse! These games not only had bad controls, but it also was especially known for its FMV cutscenes. These were, instead of being rendered, drawn to a poor shape. Ganon and King Harkinian were poorly drawn into the game, and they also have animation issues. Also, the script and quotes were terrible. For example: King Harknian: "ENOUGH! My ship sails in the morning. I wonder what's for dinner?" Link: "OH BOY! I'm so hungry, I could eat an octorock!" or this: Gwonam: "It is written, only Link, can defeat Ganon." Link: "Great! I'll grab my stuff!" These quotes are completely off-topic, and the voices are even worse. If you plan to want these CD-i games....Don't! It's just a waste of time and money!