warioware diy just announced!!
Mariomasterman's forum posts
when i play cod 4 if i snipe it goes into night vision and its really annoying, it also happens when i melee. does anyone know how to fix this?
1)legend of zelda majoras mask (n64)
2)legend of zelda ocarina of time (n64)
3)banjo tooie (n64)
4)metal gear solid 4 (ps3)
5)call of duty 4 (ps3)
6)legend of zelda twillight princess (wii)
7)super mario world (snes)
8 uncharted 2 (ps3)
9)jak and daxter 3 (ps2)
10)paper mario (n64)
my favourite console would be a tie between n64 and ps3
1)LOZ twillight princess(great and long single player adventure game)
2)super smash bros brawl(great muliplayer and tonnes of hours of fun)
3)super mario galaxy(best of the mario series)
4)mario kart wii(the best online game for the wii)
5)super paper mario(very good but not as good as the others)
here are some games i enjoyed: banjo kazooie, banjo tooie, donkey kong 64, LOZ ocarina of time, LOZ majoras mask, super mario 64, conkers bad fur day, mario kart 64, paper mario, super smash bros, and goldeneye.
i would reccomend banjo tooie, super mario 64, ocarina of time, majoras mask and paper mario
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