In previous blogs, I wrote that I used to be a Nintendo fan ever since SNES. When I decided to convert, I had to decide between the PS3 and XBox 360. Now I liked the 360 because I love the Halo, Gears, Forza, and Fable series. But I also liked the PS3 becuase I thought it would be as successful as the PS2 successor.
I chose the 360. I chose it for its exclusives and for XBox Live, as it is the single greatest online network in existence (can't even begin to tell you its superiority over PSN and Wifi Connection). *****But perhaps the best reason why I chose the 360 is becuase Microsoft is a software company and has the most money of the three companies.*****
Microsoft has recently in the past 2 years threw around more money than any of us can guess. ***A lot of that money is geared towards making exclusives multiplatform (Assasins Creed, Unreal Tourniment 3), making new games exclusive to the 360 (Lost Planet, Dead Rising), and acquiring developers to exclusively work for them (Mistwalker).***
Microsoft is pissed and has the guns to back themselves up. They are systematically taking away everything that makes the Playstation brand great. They are making the PSN seem like a skid mark on the road compared to the behemoth Xbox Live network. They are also taking away playstation 3rd party exclusives (Devil May Cry is now reportedly multiplatform). If this is true, all Microsoft has to do is make Metal Gear Solid 4 multiplatform and the PS3 will officially be a pointless purchase.
Lets not forget that Microsoft is the worldwide leader in software. Sony is not a specialist in this category. Only 360's have great functionality with Microsoft PC's. And only now is Microsoft finally unleashing the full force of their PC dominated market onto the console war. PC games are exclusively being ported to the 360, leaving the PS3 in the dust. Xbox Live is spreading to PC's and cellphones come May. ****Microsoft is integrating all its resources to the console front. It is a massive movement that few know of its magnitude as of yet.**** This obviously requires a lot of money.
Basically, when you buy a 360, you will feel secure that the company backing it will take care of you. When people buy a PS3, they will feel at least for now some form of nervousness like "I hope Sony doesn't screw this up" (thinking in their head as they walk out of the store). Microsoft has the cash, they specialize in software. Sony doesn't, therefore there is only so much influence they can weild.
***********P.S. Yes they can be considered unreliable by breaking down but that is not the point I am making. Those problems will be fixed anyway in time when chip production improves.************
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