Yes I am full of myself. This is my 25th blog and to celebrate my own sense of venting my opinions on the internet, I have picked my personal favourite blogs. If you haven't read any of these, do so.
1. "Lets finally prove who really has the most exclusives of 2007 (360 or PS3)"
The list is growing as I am updating this year-round as they are released. Interesting results as it is..... can't wait what it'll be in December!
2. "DS = Disruptive Software. That is why the DS is a hit."
Do you really wan't to know why the DS is more popular then the PSP? It's much more then the Nintendo brand, its DS!
3. "Gaming Purists and Non-Conformists.....they Bring Down the Gaming Community"
The best rant I have ever gone on.
4. "Perfect Dark, not Goldeneye, is the best FPS on the N64. Comprende?
A factual and persuasive argument that proves that Perfect Dark is better. If you disagree, you clearly lack any form of rational thinking.
5. "History Lesson: N64 VS PS1. Will history repeat itself?"
This is my reference to a past generation to justify who is going to win in this gen. The thing is though, I can actually back myself up.
6. "Why the Wii will fail in about 3 years (LONG PAPER, I DONT HOLD BACK)"
This is a factual argument of how the Wii will fail if competing with the 360 and PS3. ***However, I wrote this not taking into effect the Wii's potential it had into the non-gamer market.*** None the less it is in my opinion a great paper.