MarkSmith's forum posts
The Bible is the most influential piece of literature ever written. Arguing that it shouldn't be discussed in literature class is like arguing that they shouldn't teach the Pythagorean Theorem in geometry.
Are you guys stupid? It's being offered as an elective.
It's a rear projection CRT, but it does 1080i. I'd be buying it used from a friend who's moving to California.
He's basically continuing the failed big government policies of George Bush, except to an even more putrid degree. Bush spent billions on corporate bail outs? Obama spends even more billions! Bush wastes money and American lives in Afghanistan? Obama starts a "surge" and wastest even more money over there. Bush says marriage is between a man and a woman, and no gays in the military? Obama's cool with that.
It's no surprise to me that Obama's platform of "change" turned out to be a bunch of vacuous drivel and empty platitudes.
For if the person has a terminal disease and is in intense pain, has little to no chance of survival, and has made a carefully considered, pre meditated decision.
It is worth noting though that a physician who assists a patient in committing suicide may be in violation of the Hippocratic Oath.
Christ lived a life without sin, he could not of taken on the burden of mans sin if he himself had sinned because he is the only man who ever lived without sin.
Circular reasoning works because circular reasoning works.
I don't know if he did or didn't. I just try to focus on his teachings, because I think they contain some great advice and moral instruction regardless of whether or not he was born of a virgin, risen from the dead, capable of walking on water, etc.
If any of his miracles really did happen, we still don't have any proof, so it would be no more logical to accept oral accounts of them than it would be to accept oral accounts of the miracles of Zeus or Thor.
Its $10 here in Dallas, but in College Station where I attend college, its only $4 :o
If you don't like abortions, I'd recommend not having one.supercubedude64
If you don't like murders, then just don't murder anyone.
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