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All I can stand...

During the Sony PSN outtage, I kept my opinions to myself, but now, I've kept quiet for as long as I possibly could. I am so irritated by the consumer backlash at Sony. I watch the Playstation blog page from time to time to keep track of what's going on and I have to say that most people are supportive, but there are tons that are just greedy. Oh, and they're stupid to boot.

I've been following the issue since the system was first taken off-line. The first thing people start crying about is that it's down. Ok, I understand you want to play your COD:MW or the new MK, but it's a GAME people. Your life will not end without online capabilities. I promise. It's now back up, and I'm more than certain that you're still alive. If not, well, I guess you won't be able to read this and complain. Think back to about 9 years ago...before the Xbox Live launched...what were you doing? Playing online with a PS2? I doubt it. Even with the original Xbox, were you really playing online all that much? Quit your b****ing. It's back up.

For those who sold their PS3s for Xbox 360s because the service was down, I hope you appreciate how much you'll have to pay for what I'm getting for free. You're also losing out on your blu-ray capabilities. Fine. Your money. Throw it away on whatever you want. I don't really give a s***. Just don't go posting it all over the Sony blog about hating the company just because the service was shut down to protect YOU. Idiots.

And while I'm on that subject, what's the point of blaming Sony? They did what had to be done in order to protect the consumers. They issued a statement about the problem and said they were sorry for the inconvienence. It's not like they WANTED to shut off the network. This could cause a HUGE financial issue for Sony. And all you care about is how you don't get to play online for a little while. Did you stop for a moment and think that it's the HACKERS you should be upset with? Morons.

Last but not least, the greedy b******s that want free stuff. Hey, guess what...the network access IS FREE! Shut up! The only people that should be entitled to anything free are the people who paid for PSN Plus and lost almost a month of their service. Give them a replacement month. That's all ANYONE deserves. Those who haven't paid for anything haven't lost anything. I saw just today that someone posted, and I quote, "I hope the welcome back content doesn't suck! I hope the PS3/PSP games are actual games, not lame games that are only available on their network. I want games that were originally $59.99, not a bunch of $10.00 games on the network." WHAT A F***ING A**H***! What gives you the right? What makes you so special? I'll tell you what...ABSO-F***ING-LUTELY NOTHING!

For those sympathetic to the issue Sony has had to deal with, thank you. There are many out there smearing the name of gamers everywhere. For those who think Sony owes you some form of freebie...screw you. Be thankful for what you don't have to pay for. Enjoy what you have. You never know when the day will come when the entire world's internet may come crashing down. What will you do then? Commit suicide because you can't Tweet? Rape and pillage because your Farmville crops may wither and die? Some people just need to get a life.


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