As the rest of the gaming world sinks their teeth into Grand Theft Auto 4 and Mario Kart Wii, I have become enamoured with Echochrome and other puzzle games. Typically, I play a video game to relax and sink into a virtual world of mindless distruction and/or brainless fun. However, I've been searching out more titles to expand my mind rather than to dull it. Echochrome has done a fantastic job of making me think in abstract ways. I'm also looking for a copy of Crush, a really cool title I let go of several months back when I needed cash. It recently came down in price, so I think I'll grab it up before I lose my discount. I've also been hunting down copies of RPGs like Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth and Silmeria. This morning I started on Luminous Arc for the DS, and I was thrilled to find out that the second one is being released in Japan in the next week or two. Long story short, I'm starting to lean more towards titles that are going to keep me occupied with a great story, abstract puzzles, or intriguing gameplay. Of course I haven't turned my back on the standard run-n-gun games (I picked up Alien Vs Predator: Requiem for the PSP today along with VP: Lenneth), but I've really got a taste for more mind-bending, strategy-oriented, story-driven titles. So to all of you out there with a PSP and a PS3, grab up Echochrome and enjoy something (dare I say?) wholsome.
Until next time...cheers!