First of all, I'm going to start this blog with a note to all the unions I was a part of...I have resigned from ALL unions; even the one I tried to create that never got all of its charter members. I realized I was receiving far too many messages that I would end up deleting because, let's face it, I didn't participate in ANY union I had joined. I thank everyone who has ever invited me into a union, and I thank you for future invitations, but the fact is, I don't have time to post much in the standard forums, much less the union forums. Thank you all; it's not your's me...
Ok, so on with today's questions:
1.) What game have you most recently been skeptical of, but then became hopelessly addicted to? (and why?)
2.) In contrast to Question #1, what game were you most excited about and then became horribly disappointed by? (and why?)
3.) For those of you with multiple consoles, what system do you find yourself playing the most? (If you only have 1 console, what,other thanprice, is keeping you from your next console purchase?)
4.) What gaming achievement are you most proud of? (This is your chance to brag...and I'm not talking about just Xbox 360 achievement awards.)
And my answers:
1.) Puzzle Quest (DS)- Ipurchasedthis the same week asZelda: Phantom Hourglass and Luminous Arc, only because I had so many people telling me what a great game it was. I didn't get RPG played through a Bejeweled-style puzzle?How could this possibly be any good? I popped it in when I only had a few minutes to play, thinking it was just a cheap rip-off of most free online puzzle games. I was almost late for my appointment because I didn't want to turn it off. So, bravo to the development team that brought us this fine game. (Although I really can't see myself playing it on any other system than the DS...the stylus is perfect for this game!)
2.) Knights Of The Old Republic (Xbox) - Was I ever steamed about this one! I felt so mislead about the gameplay...from all of the screen shots I looked over,I was anticipating a fantastic 3rd person action title; not a half-ass psudo-RPG with a Star Wars logo plastered on it. I'm sure it's got a great story line, but it wasn't for me. And I know I'm offending some people by saying this. Hell, I even wrote a review for the game and someone went so far as to report my review to the GameSpot higher-ups that I was trolling! And my review was DELETED! (It's an OPINION GameSpot! You don't have to like it! It's what I really thought of the game!) What made it worse was that I had never played an Xbox, so when I got my 360, it was the first backwards compatable game I looked for...and I looked EVERYWHERE for a copy that wasn't scratched or had a beat-up case. This one hurt me bad.
3.) DS and PSP (tie) - As most of you know, I recently moved back to North Carolina from Florida. I'm living in my friend's spare room and most everything I own is in storage. Portability is key for me right now. I don't want to feel like I'm moving in and not look for a place of my own when I finally get a decent job.
4.) Zelda 3: A Link to the Past - Finished the entire game in one sitting and DID NOT DIE. Took me 8 hours and 36 minutes (with a couple of short breaks to get up and stretch my legs).
Now it's your turn...lets hear it peoples! Booyakasha