Hi everyone...I've been busier than a one-legged-man in a butt-kicking contest (no offense to my one-legged-friends) so I haven't had time to stop in and say hello, but here I am. Hello! Happy Holidays to you all. I've got my daughter this week so I'm not doing as much gaming as I want but that hasn't stopped me from racking up a few good scores. Currently, I'm getting my rear handed to me in online matches of Quantum Of Solace, I'm looking forward to downloading Street Fighter HD, and I've finally figured out the trick to blazing through mission 3 of Metal Slug Advance. Sad ain't it? I've got so many games I haven't finished yet, and no money to buy new ones (apparantly I'm supposed to be buying stuff for other people this time of year :roll: :D) so I'm catching up on a few titles. I hope everyone has a good Turkey Day, and to all my friends who don't celebrate American Thanksgiving, Happy Thursday. And with that, I'm off...
Cheers everyone!