The weekend has come and gone and I have completed filming of my first independant film. It was a great experience and really exciting. I'm waiting for my first glimpse of the finished product...and it's not easy to be patient. There will be a red-carpet style event on Sunday where all of the films entered in the contest for NC State University will be shown on a full size movie screen for an audience of all the film-makers and actors (plus anyone else who wants to be there). I don't know if I want to see the film before the festival or not...I think it would be awesome to see on the big screen, but if it's embarrassing, I wouldn't want to be there. Well, I'll see it soon enough. And apparantly, everyone else can see it if we go far enough...supposedly the films submitted are to be posted on the website for the competition. I'll let everyone know when it's posted. In the meantime, for more information about the competition we're involved in...
We actually ended up filming a second short in the back of my minivan (not the dirty kind of short by the way...) while we had the equipment. It was done fairly quickly with very little script or rehersal. In fact, we saw the script 5 minutes before we shot it. I never got to read it at all. We glanced at the idea and improvised the entire thing with just a few retakes (which were started from the very beginning each time) and a few pick-up shots to fill in a few gaps. I don't exactly know what is going to be happening with that short (a starting point for another film? a stand-alone short for another festival?) but it seemed to turn out really cool and is another title to add to my resume'.
Speaking of resume's, I just got a call for an interview while typing this, and will be starting a new job on Monday making $3 more an hour than I am at my current job. It's not something I really WANT to do, but for the convienance and extra pay, I'm game. Besides, who really wants to work in the first place? It's essentially the same job, but a better environment and less hassles. AND NO INSURANCE AGENTS! That's the big part of my decision to make the change...I really don't like insurance agents. I hear they don't play video games at all...
And finally, some of you may know that 1 year ago today, my girlfriend and I lost our daughter, London Rose. (Not the little blonde girl in my pictures...that's my first child , Alex, from my ex-wife.) We both took off from work today to be together and help each other get through the day. To make the day a bit better, we decided that instead of waiting for her birthday next month, we would go to the courthouse and get married. Everything went great, and we managed to take a fairly sad day and turn it into something wonderful. And of course, after we got done we went straight to an arcade to play Indiana Jones pinball...a true geek wedding reception complete with wedding pictures taken in a $3 photo booth.
Hope everyone else is doing well...all the best to everyone.