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Lay-offs, downsized game collections, and a new life.

Well, here I am. I received an email from one of my blog-followers, retro82, showiing concern for my absence. I guess I have some 'splainin' to do. I looked back and saw that my last update was in January. Wow, what a ride this year has been. Some of you may know that I had started the yearpatiently waiting for word back from theRiverRun International Film Festival, had just found out my wife was pregnant, and wassitting on top of the world with my job as a phlebotomist (that means I draw blood for a living). Life has a great sense of humor. I would break it down month-by-month, but really, I don't remember too much in the way of chronology.

The first part of the year started out ok. I was so looking forward to the film festival. But that didn't keep me from working on other projects. I filmed my second short at the end of January and completed post-production in February, just in time for my good friend's "That's Not Mine!" Film Festival. Letting Go premiered to a small crowd of about 20+ people and seemed to get a decent reaction. Meanwhile, I got a message from RiverRun that my submission, I.M. (Instant Message), was turned down. I did not let that get me down though. In March, I purchased my own Hi-Def camera (from Circuit City's going out of business sale) and filmed my third short, Run, and was asked to direct two other shorts, Home Movies and The Interview. Not a bad way to start the year.

However, Summer began and things slowed down at work. The head of the medical clinic I was working for decided it was time to make some changes. They wanted to bring in a new doctor and, by doing so, needed someone with more experience that they could pay less money to. Know what that means? Laid-off. I've been out of work since the beginning of August. But all is not COMPLETELY horrible...

July 30th, 2009. My daughter, Vanessa Ryanne, is born. It seemed like it took forever to get it over and done with, but she was born at 4:45am, happy and healthy. Her mother and I are exhausted. Don't let anyone fool you. No matter how good a baby is, they are a full-time job with overtime, but worth every minute.

As I said, life has a great sense of humor. As I'm losing my job and having a baby, my landlords decide they need to sell the house we're living in. So began the search for a new home. But wait, there's more. My 12 year old step-daughter has moved in with us. Guess what kind of school district we lived in...I'll give you a ain't good! So, not only do we have to find a new home, we have to find one zoned for a good school. After weeks of searching, mission accomplished. We moved in the weekend before school started. But, alas, being unemployed means no money. And, if you have ever moved, you will know that moving isn't cheap. That's why I'm sad to report that my game collection has taken a serious nose-dive. I haven't updated my collection list on GameSpot to reflect this yet, but I shall. It's just too painful. What was once an 80-title PSP collection is now down to 35. My PS3 games were in the 60' 30-something as well. All of my Xbox 360 titles gone, several GameCube, Wii, DS, and even half of my PS2 games. And the saddest part; I hadn't even playeda majorityof the games I sold.

Oh well...things will only get better. I did have my very first audition for a feature film that will pay EXTREMLY well if I get the role, and I've got a film entered in the Carrboro Film Festival in November. And no matter what I have to sell, I can always get it back. It's only material, right?

Thanks for stopping by. I wish you all the best, and if my update was a bit depressing, I'm sorry. Go watch a few of my films. ( It may make you feel better. Or better about yourself. Who knows. Cheers!

-William Lilly-

Writer/Director/Actor, Mori-Dog Movies. A division of Eternal Rose Entertainment.