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'Legendary'? Or 'Epic Fail'?

Having recently completed a few games (see my previous blogs for details), I have replaced a few of the cheaper games I had sold in order to pay rent while being unemployed. One such game was Legendary. For those not familiar with it, it's a story about a thief who unleashes mythical beasts from Pandora's Box. Great concept, huh? Damn right. Execution? Eh, not so great. Watching a multi-storied Golem tear apart New York as Griffons swoop in and swallow people off the street is pretty sweet. It's a downhill slope from there. The story is passable at best with double-crosses and secret orders, but what wowed me was that this group actually becomes dependent on the thief. "You're our only hope, Deckard!" Yeah, I really believe this guy would save your sorry butts. In fact, they didn't do a very good job of developing the characters into likeable entities. By the end, I really didn't care what happened, I just wanted to finish it and return it before the 7-days was up (sometimes, buying used from "the evil empire" pays off).

Story issues asside, let's look at gameplay. Standard FPS with a little magic thrown in. Some people called it a "Bioshock Rip-Off". No where near close to that calibur. Yeah, a glowing left hand, but that only serves to send out an electrical pulse and heal yourself. It could only WISH it could be Bioshock. Let's face it, no other FPS can compair to the sheer awesomeness of Bioshock. Yeah, I love that game. But I digress.Legendary isan ok FPS but it amazes me that all of the weapons are almost equal. Headshots were all effective IF you could get the shot. Most of the time the targeting was questionable. Collision detection wasn't much better. Many times I'd leave a werewolf in a crumpled heap with it's head in a wall or in the floor and no way to decapitate it (the only way to finish them off) until it got up again.

Speaking of werewolves, they used a few interesting mythic beasts, but there was opportunity for so much more. When I say 'few', I mean FEW. There are several human soldier types, 3 werewolf types, the irritating little Navis, Firedrakes, blood spiders, Griffons,and an occasional Minotaur.Aside from that, there's only a Kraken boss and...uhm...well, let's face it, I was so bored by the end I forgot howmany enemy types there actuallywere. So much potential, so little execution.

If you get really desperate for entertainment and have a few hours of your life to waste, give it a run. It's not worth keeping in your library, but it's not completely bad. Would have been better if it were a last-gen title, but as a PS3 game, mediocre at best. With a title like "Legendary", you'd think it would try to live up to expectations. "Mythic" would have been a better description.

Up next? Who knows. As I mentioned, I've been trying to replace a few cheap titles and I still have a couplethat I want to complete. I'm considering Alone In The Dark Inferno, Dark Sector, Silent Hill Homecoming, Folklore, FEAR, and others. I did return Legendary and replaced it with Blazing Angels. I really enjoyed it on the 360, but only played about 3 missions. Maybe it's time to take to the skies...


PS: One aditional note...I also completed Loco Roco FINALLY. Just never had the interest in playing through it. I'm also working on the second Professor Layton. Always a good time there.